
All About Sharks

Sharks are a diverse group of cartilaginous fish (meaning that they have skeleton made of cartilage versus bone) that are found throughout Earth’s one global ocean. These incredible creatures are known for their many rows of teeth, which can be serrated for cutting or smooth for crushing. They are a vital part of the marine ecosystem, yet many species are now imperiled due to immense pressures created by unsustainable fishing practices, habitat deterioration, and changing prey availability. While often reduced to a mischaracterized subject of fear, we invite you to take a deeper dive with us as we attempt to gain a greater understanding of these ancient, awesome predators.

Learn more about sharks, including where they live, what they eat, and how we can help continue the conservation of these incredible animals.

Shark Resources

Animal InfoBooks: Sharks & Rays

Meet some of the ocean's most fascinating and misunderstood predators — the sharks.

Sharks & Rays InfoBook

Animal Bytes

Check out these one-page fact sheets about these incredible creatures.


Blacktip Reef Shark

Bonnethead Shark

Epaulette Shark

Great White Shark

Leopard Shark

Nurse Shark

Whale Shark

Teacher Guides


Schooling at home?  Keep your students engaged with these shark-themed classroom activities.

Kindergarten - 4th Grade

Blacktip Shark Fin Fun

How Big am I?

Mark the Shark

Rough Rubbin' Sharks

What's for Lunch?

When Shark's Go Swimming

5th Grade - 8th Grade

Calculating Sharks

Print a Fish

Robo Shark

Shark Story Tellers

OCEARCH Partnership

SeaWorld and OCEARCH are teaming up to bring the ocean to you. Through rescue, research, education and policy, we will increase our understanding of marine life to save species and their habitats.

Learn More