
All About Penguins!

Penguins are some of the most beloved ambassadors at our parks.  There’s something about the way they waddle that makes people smile, and they are always the best dressed for every occasion! 

Like humans, penguins are stronger together. Human couples often share parenting duties, and penguins do the same. Males and females take turns incubating eggs and foraging at sea for food.  And penguins often huddle in groups for warmth and protection. 

Did you know that a group of penguins on land is called a colony, but a group of penguins floating at sea is called a raft?

Our Saving a Species: Penguins episode will bring these flightless birds to your homes.   We will also cover topics such as Species Diversity, Food Webs, Reproductive Strategies, Sustainable Fisheries, Global Geography, and Extreme Adaptations, for grades K-8.

Penguin Resources

Saving a Species: Penguins

Learn about the unique physical characteristics and signature style of penguins in this episode of Saving a Species video series.

Video Series

Teacher Toolbox

Looking for some resources to complement your lessons? This teacher toolbox includes vocabulary, discussion-starting questions, classroom activities and more.

Teacher Toolbox

Animal Infobox

Meet the penguins — charismatic birds uniquely adapted for life at sea.

Animal InfoBook

Penguin Sounds

Penguins make a variety of sounds to communicate. Check out these sounds, plus more on

More Animal Sounds

Games and Worksheets